Welcome to the North Mymms History Project

A growing collection of books, features, images, documents, and maps, collected, curated, and presented by a team of local volunteers keen to preserve the history of North Mymms

Images of North Mymms Collection

Local history digitised and enhanced

Photograph of the covers and discs for three volumes of Mike Allen's Images Of North Mymms series
Photograph of the three volumes of Mike Allen's Images of North Mymms series
Many of the photographs on this site are taken from a local collection called Images of North Mymms, a project started by local historian and photographer Mike Allen following the closure of the North Mymms Local History Society (NMLHS).

Mike, along with local historian Peter Miller, curate an ever-growing collection of images currently containing more than 4,000 old photographs and postcards.

Most of the images were loaned to Mike by local residents, including large quantities by the late Ron Kingdon, local historian Peter Miller (who curates his own collection), the Nott family, and images from the NMLHS files. There are some images in the collection which Mike Allen took himself.

In all cases where the images are used on the NMHP we will add details the source of the images. Please read our copyright policy.


  1. Hi Mike, I am looking for a particular painting in the North Mymm's Collection. How would I go about searching this? Many thanks!

    1. Which particular painting are you interested in?

  2. Hi Mike
    I was wondering if you have any other images of the Marshmoor sidings area in the late 1950-early1960's. I am proposing to make a model railway layout of the area. Specifically photo's of the buildings would be helpful. Also the photo you have of " London John" captioned as 1972 should be 1962 as I started my apprenticeship at Mowlems in 1972 and had seen the Hunslet 0-4-0 dh shunter in use during many years of train spotting at Marshmoor previously

    1. Please use the contact form at the bottom right of the page. That will provide me with your email address so I can then forward your message to Mike and he can email you direct. Thanks, Peter

  3. Hi my email is attached thanks in advance edward smith

  4. Hi, There is no attachment! Please scroll down and use the contact
    form at the bottom of this page.
    Thanks, Peter

  5. Looking for old images of staff of Brookmans Park Hotel please
    My uncle was head waiter in the 1950’s we have only recently discovered his existence so this may be our only chance to ‘see’ him

  6. I am sorry, but we do not have any images of the staff. Good luck in your search!

  7. Hi, in researching my ancestors I found this site, my maiden name is Childs and I wondered if there are any photos of any of the Childs

  8. Hello, Thank you for your interest. We have quite a few Childs images
    across several different families, generations and periods. Can you be
    more specific as to which 'Childs' family members you are interested
    in and please provide more information such as names and where and
    when they resided in North Mymms? This will help me narrow down the
    search! Please reply using the contact form at the bottom of this page. Thanks.

  9. Hi. I'm interested if you have any information on the Coopers who worked at North Mimms Park in the early 1900s. I believe one was a gamekeeper and his wife was a cook. These would have been my great grandparents. I think they lived in a cottage off Tollgate Road.

    1. Yes, we do have some images. Please send your email address.

  10. Hi I think some of my relations could have worked at North Mymms Park as during a filling in for Military Service Registration in America the son Norman Crook put his birth place as North Mymms England & the year was 22nd August 1921 his Dad Sydney was a Gardener. my email is john_rayment@outlook.com thanks for in advance for any help you may be able to provide.

  11. Dear Mike,
    ...have you had a revamp of the website? A lot seems to have changed from a few months ago?

  12. Hello Mike, I am looking for a photo of the Raj in Brookmans park when it first opened 25 years ago, can you help at all

  13. Hi Peter and Mike, I recently found some remains of a house (patio and back wall) in my garden on Moffats Lane while digging out an ant hill in my lawn. I suspect it was a house demolished in/around 1982 to allow for the building of Park Close. Do you have any photos of Moffats pre 1982 I could look at?


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